A Novel Methodology for Assessment of Hospital Service according to BWM, MABAC, PROMETHEE II
Hospital service, Neutrosophic Sets, Bipolar, BWM, MABAC, PROMETHEEIIAbstract
n this study, a proposed methodology of Best Worst Method (BWM), Multi-Attributive Border Approximation Area Comparison (MABAC), and Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEEII) are suggested to achieve a methodical and systematic procedure to assess the hospital serving under the canopy of neutrosophic theory. The assessing of hospital serving challenges of ambiguity, vagueness, inconsistent information, qualitative information, imprecision, subjectivity and uncertainty are handled with linguistic variables parameterized by bipolar neutrosophic scale. Hence, the hybrid methodology of Bipolar Neutrosophic Linguistic Numbers (BNLNs) of BWM is suggested to calculate the significance weights of assessment criteria, and MABAC as an accurate method is presented to assess hospital serving. In addition to consider the qualitative criteria compensation in hospital service quality in MABAC in order to overcome drawbacks PROMETHEEIIof non-compensation to reinforce the serving effectiveness arrangements of the possible alternatives. An experiential case including 9 assessment criteria, 2 public and 3private hospitals in Sharqiyah EGYPT assessed by 3 evaluatorsfrom several scopes of medical industry to prove validity of the suggested methodology. The case study shows that the service effectiveness of private hospitals is superior to public hospitals, since the public infirmaries are scarcely reinforced by governmental institutions

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