Neutrosophy means: Common Parts to Uncommon Things and Uncommon Parts to Common Things


  • Florentin Smarandache Emeritus Professor, PhD, PostDocs University of New Mexico; Mathematics, Physics, and Natural Science Division 705 Gurley Ave., Gallup, NM 87301, USA


Neutrosophy, Paradoxism, Dialectics, Yin Yang, Soft Sciences, Capitalism, Socialism, Psychoanalysis, Analytical Psychology, Democracy, Representative Democracy, Alchemy, Science, Dialectics, Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, Social Systems Theory, Paradoxical Intention, Pro choice, Pro-life, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy.


Let <A> be an item, concept, idea, proposition, school of thought, current, theory, etc., and <antiA> be the opposite of <A>. Analogously for <B> and its opposite <antiB>.

Neutrosophy means to find:

(i) Common parts to uncommon things(that is, <A>and <antiA> have something in common, or their intersection <A>∩<antiA>is not empty), and vice versa:

(ii)  Uncommon parts to common things(the two equal items <A>=<B>havealsouncommonparts, either <A>∩<antiB>is not empty, or <antiA>∩<B>is not empty).

Both,  the Common  Parts to  Uncommon  Things, and theUncommon  Parts to  Common  Things end up being part indeterminacy/neutrality situated between the opposites:  denoted by <neutA>, which means neither <A>nor <antiA>, but in between them;  and respectively by <neutB>, which similarly means neither <B>nor <antiB>, but in between them.


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11406438


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How to Cite

Florentin Smarandache. (2024). Neutrosophy means: Common Parts to Uncommon Things and Uncommon Parts to Common Things . Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 68(68), 1-7.