Interval-valued Possibility Quadripartitioned Single Valued Neutrosophic Soft Sets and some uncertainty based measures on them


  • Rajashi Chatterjee
  • Pinaki Majumdar
  • Syamal Kumar Samanta


Neutrosophic set, entropy measure, inclusion measure, distance measure, similarity measure.


Abstract: The theory of quadripartitioned single valued neutrosophic sets was proposed very recently as an extension to the existing theory of single valued neutrosophic sets. In this paper the notion of possibility fuzzy soft sets has been generalized into a new concept viz. interval-valued possibility quadripartitioned single valued neutrosophic soft sets. Some basic set-theoretic operations have been defined on them. Some distance, similarity, entropy and inclusion measures for possibility quadripartitioned single valued neutrosophic sets have been proposed. An application in a decision making problem has been shown.


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How to Cite

Rajashi Chatterjee, Pinaki Majumdar, & Samanta, . S. K. . (2016). Interval-valued Possibility Quadripartitioned Single Valued Neutrosophic Soft Sets and some uncertainty based measures on them. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 14, 35-43.