High-Quality Development Evaluation of Cultural and Tourism Integration Empowered by the Digital Economy under Double Valued Neutrosophic Sets


  • Jun Wang College of E-commerce, Tangshan University, Tangshan, 063000, Heibei, China
  • Xiong Hu College of E-commerce, Tangshan University, Tangshan, 063000, Heibei, China


Neutrosophic Sets; Double Valued Neutrosophic sets; Entropy Method; MABAC Method; Cultural and Tourism; Digital Economy


This study proposed a decision-making approach to evaluate the cultural and tourism 
integration empowered by the digital economy. Two methods are used in this study, such as 
Entropy method to compute the criteria weights and the MABAC method to rank the alternatives. 
These methods are used under the neutrosophic sets. Neutrosophic sets (NSs) are used to 
represent ambiguous, inconsistent, and unpredictable data that arise in practical issues. 
Indeterminacy leaning toward truth membership and indeterminacy leaning toward falsity 
membership are two separate components of double-valued neutrosophic sets (DVNSs), a variant 
of NSs. Three experts have evaluated the criteria and alternatives. Ten criteria and six alternatives 
are used in this study. We show the Digital Infrastructure criterion has the highest weight.


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14837230


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How to Cite

Jun Wang, & Xiong Hu. (2025). High-Quality Development Evaluation of Cultural and Tourism Integration Empowered by the Digital Economy under Double Valued Neutrosophic Sets. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 81, 145-158. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/5822