Expanding Comparative Literature into Comparative Sciences Clusters with Neutrosophy and Quad-stage Method


  • Fu Yuhua CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing, 100028, China


Comparative, comparative sciences clusters, comparative social sciences clusters, comparative natural sciences clusters, comparative interdisciplinary sciences clusters, comparative literature, comparative history, comparative philosophy, comparative mathematics, comparative physics, comparative chemistry, comparative medicine, comparative biology, comparative essay, comparative fiction, comparative poetry, comparative drama


By using Neutrosophy and Quad-stage Method, the expansions of comparative literature include: comparative social sciences clusters, comparative natural sciences clusters, comparative interdisciplinary sciences clusters, and so on. Among them, comparative social sciences clusters include: comparative literature, comparative history, comparative philosophy, and so on; comparative natural sciences clusters include: comparative mathematics, comparative physics, comparative chemistry, comparative medicine, comparative biology, and so on. In addition, comparative literature itself can also be expanded. Under the two main categories of research and practice, comparative literature can be expanded into: comparative literature research, comparative literature practice (including comparative essay, comparative fiction, comparative poetry, comparative drama, and so on), comparative literature research and practice, and so on. This paper discusses the applications of comparative method in comparative sciences clusters and their various branches. Point out that in the existing fields of social sciences and natural sciences, many sprouts of comparative sciences clusters can be found, but a wide range of the achievements of comparative sciences clusters, still are the virgin lands to be developed.


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How to Cite

Yuhua, F. . . (2016). Expanding Comparative Literature into Comparative Sciences Clusters with Neutrosophy and Quad-stage Method. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 12, 118-121. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/685