An Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Neutrosophic Sets, Rough sets, Graph Theory, Fuzzy sets and its Extended Approach: A Literature Review
Neutrosophic Set, Rough set, Fuzzy Set, Graph theory, Intelligent Transportation System, Uncertainty, Urban traffic, Traffic FlowAbstract
Recently, the intelligent traffic control system and its uncertainty analysis are considered one of the hot spots for utilizing the available techniques. It became more essential when the automatic car, electric vehicle, and other smart cars have introduced the transportation. To control the traffic accident and smooth road services an intelligent traffic control system required. It will be also useful in decreasing the time, reaction time, and efficiency of traffic. However, the problem arises while characterization of true, false or uncertain regions of traffic flow and its future approximation. To deal with this issue some available mathematical technique for traffic flow using rough set, fuzzy rough set, and its extension with the neutrosophic set is discussed in this paper.
Some of the papers related to graphical visualization of traffic flow is also discussed for further improvement. The rough set theory can be useful for dealing the uncertain, incomplete, and indeterminate data set. Hence, the hybridization of the neutrosophic set and rough can be considered one of the efficient tools for intelligent traffic control and its approximation via automatic red, green and yellow lights. This paper tried to provide an overview of each available
technique to solve the traffic problem. It is hoped that the proposed study will be helpful for several researchers working on traffic flow, traffic accident diagnosis, and its hybridization as future research.

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