Neutrosophic κ-structures in an AG-groupoid


  • G. Muhiuddin
  • K. Porselvi
  • B. Elavarasan


An AG-groupoid is the midway between commutative semigroup and groupoid. The core structure
of Flock theory is an AG-groupoid, which focuses on motion replication and distance optimization and has
numerous applications in physics and biology. Unfortunately, in many cases, modelling real-world problems
in domains like computer science, operations research, artificial intelligence, control engineering, and robotics
can be risky. Different theories, such as fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, probability, soft sets, neutrosophic
sets, and others, have been created to deal with similar situations. In this paper, We define the notions of
neutrosophic κ-ideal structures in an AG-groupoid and investigate their properties. We also obtain equivalent
assertion of neutrosophic κ-ideals and product of neutrosophic κ-structures in AG-groupoid


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How to Cite

G. Muhiuddin, K. Porselvi, & B. Elavarasan. (2023). Neutrosophic κ-structures in an AG-groupoid. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 58, 278-298.