Plithogenic Iadov model to study university teaching practices in the complexity of the educational process of comprehensive training by competencies


  • Pedro Barrientos Gutiérrez Universidad Nacional del Centro. Huancayo, Perú
  • Katia Ninozca Flores-Ledesma Universidad César Vallejo, Lima. Perú
  • Santos Lucio Guanilo Gómez Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohgman. Tacna, Perú
  • Jorge Luis López Bulnes Universidad Nacional Mayor de san Marcos, Perú
  • Jorge Leonardo Jave Nakayo Universidad Nacional Mayor de san Marcos, Perú
  • Carlos Francisco Cabrera Carranza Universidad Nacional Mayor de san Marcos, Perú
  • Abrahan Cesar Neri Ayala Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Huacho. Perú
  • Santiago Ernesto Ramos Yovera Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Huacho. Perú


University teaching, educational process, training by competencies, Iadov technique, plithogenic Iadov technique, plithogenic inconsistent picture fuzzy set


Teaching practices constitute a dynamic performance with the capacity for transformation, the evolution of human 
consciousness, autonomy, leadership and conscious commitment to strategic intervention with a holistic vision in the process 
of teaching and educating that generates emotionally healthy spaces to “learn to learn”, to do, to coexist, to be and to undertake 
the student. In this context, the article reports research that had the purpose of measuring and modeling the meanings of uni
versity teaching practices in the complexity of the educational process of comprehensive competency training. To do this, 25 
professors from Latin American universities were surveyed regarding the impact of today's university graduates in the region 
on social life, technology, and entrepreneurship. The plithogenic Iadov technique was introduced to process the data, where the 
Iadov logic chart becomes mainly Plithogenic Inconsistent Picture Fuzzy Numbers. We consider that the theory of plithogeny 
makes a formal approach to complex phenomena because it generalizes dynamic systems.


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How to Cite

Pedro Barrientos Gutiérrez, Katia Ninozca Flores-Ledesma, Santos Lucio Guanilo Gómez, Jorge Luis López Bulnes, Jorge Leonardo Jave Nakayo, Carlos Francisco Cabrera Carranza, Abrahan Cesar Neri Ayala, & Santiago Ernesto Ramos Yovera. (2023). Plithogenic Iadov model to study university teaching practices in the complexity of the educational process of comprehensive training by competencies . Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 62, 78-85.