Neutrosophy Analysis of Medical Ethics and Bioethics


  • Iruma Alfonso González Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Ambato. Ecuador.
  • María de Lourdes Llerena Cepeda Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Ambato. Ecuador.
  • Blanca Cristina Estrella López Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
  • Beatríz María González Nuñez Universidad de Holguín (EICT SA), Cuba.


Neutrosophy, health, medical ethics, bioethics


The current situation of medical ethics and bioethics in Ecuador highlights the need to address the complexity of 
decision-making in the field of health. Under a neutrosophic approach, the situation of medical ethics and bioethics in Ecuador 
was explored to define the neutrosophic subsets of elements that affect the formation of values and the development of medical 
ethics and bioethics in Ecuador. The results reveal the need for training health professionals in issues of medical ethics and 
bioethics. Therefore, projects and study plans that respond to the promotion of effective ethical practices must be approved. 
Without leaving aside the fact that supervision and accountability mechanisms must be created to guarantee compliance with 
ethical and bioethical principles among health professionals. Furthermore, the need for constant evaluation is highlighted to 
ensure that ethical policies evolve and adjust to changing values and objectives. In conclusion, the neutrosophic approach pro
vides a holistic and adaptable perspective to address medical ethics and bioethics in Ecuador, by recognizing indeterminacies 
and promoting effective ethical practices. 


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How to Cite

Iruma Alfonso González, María de Lourdes Llerena Cepeda, Blanca Cristina Estrella López, & Beatríz María González Nuñez. (2023). Neutrosophy Analysis of Medical Ethics and Bioethics . Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 62, 270-278.