Ordered subalgebras of ordered BCI-algebras based on the MBJ-neutrosophic structure


  • Eunsuk Yang Department of Philosophy, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Korea
  • Eun Hwan Roh Department of Mathematics Education, Chinju National University of Education, Jinju 52673, Korea
  • Young Bae Jun Department of Mathematics Education, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Korea.


Ordered BCI-algebra, ordered subalgebra, MBJ-neutrosophic ordered subalgebra, MBJ-ordered subalgebras, (q,˜c, p)-translative MBJ-neutrosophic set


The neutrosophic set consists of three fuzzy sets called true membership function, false membership function and indeterminate membership function. MBJ-neutrosophic structure is a structure constructed using interval-valued fuzzy set instead of indeterminate membership function in the neutrosophic set. In general, the indeterminate part appears in a wide range. So instead of treating the indeterminate part as a single value, it is treated as an interval value, allowing a much more comprehensive processing. In an attempt to apply the MBJ-neutrosophic structure to ordered BCI-algebras, the notion of MBJ-neutrosophic (ordered) subalgebras is introduced and their properties are studied. The relationship between MBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra and MBJ-neutrosophic ordered subalgebra is established, and MBJ-neutrosophic ordered subalgebra is formed using (intuitionistic) fuzzy ordered subalgebra. Given an MBJ-neutrosophic set, its (q,˜c, p)-translative MBJ-neutrosophic set is introduced and its characterization is considered. An MBJ-neutrosophic ordered subalgebra is created using (q,˜c, p)-translative MBJ-neutrosophic set. 


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How to Cite

Eunsuk Yang, Eun Hwan Roh, & Young Bae Jun. (2024). Ordered subalgebras of ordered BCI-algebras based on the MBJ-neutrosophic structure. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 63, 1-16. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/3865

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