Introduction to Plithogenic Hypersoft Subgroup


  • Sudipta Gayen National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, India;
  • Florentin Smarandache University of New Mexico, USA
  • Sripati Jha Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, India
  • Manoranjan Kumar Singh University Hassan II, Morocco
  • SaidBroumi University Hassan II, Morocco
  • Ranjan Kumar Jain Deemed to be University, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, India;


Hypersoft set, Plithogenic se, Plithogenic set, Plithogenic hypersoft set, Plithogenic hypersoft subgroup


In this article, some essential aspects of plithogenic hypersoft algebraic structures have been ana-lyzed. Here the notions of plithogenic hypersoft subgroups i.e. plithogenic fuzzy hypersoft subgroup, plithogenicintuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft subgroup, plithogenic neutrosophic hypersoft subgroup have been introduced andstudied. For doing that we have redefined the notions of plithogenic crisp hypersoft set, plithogenic fuzzy hy-persoft set, plithogenic intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft set, and plithogenic neutrosophic hypersoft set and alsogiven their graphical illustrations. Furthermore, by introducing function in different plithogenic hypersoft en-vironments, some homomorphic properties of plithogenic hypersoft subgroups have been analyzed.


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How to Cite

Gayen, S. ., Smarandache, F. ., Sripati Jha, Kumar Singh, M., SaidBroumi, & Ranjan Kumar. (2020). Introduction to Plithogenic Hypersoft Subgroup. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 33, 208-233.

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