Neutrosophic Decision Making Model of School Choice
The purpose of this paper is to present single
valued neutrosophic decision making model of school
choice. Childhood is a crucial stage in terms of a child's
physical, intellectual, emotional and social development
i.e. all round development of a child. Mental and physical
abilities of children grow at an increasing rate. Children
particularly need high quality personal care and learning
Children begin learning from the moment the child
takes his/her birth and continues on throughout his/her life.
Babies and toddlers need positive early learning
experiences for their mental and physical development and
this lays the foundation for later school success. So it is
necessary to select the best school for the children among
all the feasible alternatives by which all needs of the
children are fulfilled.
A large number of parents have an increasing array of
options in choosing the best school for their children
among all alternatives. Those options vary from place to
place. In this paper, neutrosophic multi-attribute decisionmaking with interval weight information is used to form a
decision-making model for choosing the best school for
the children. A numerical example is developed based on
expert opinions from english medium schools of Nadia
districts, West Bengal, India. The problem is solved to
show the effectiveness of the proposed single valued
neutrosophic decision making model.
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