Neutrosophic Hyper BCK-Ideals


  • S. Khademan Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
  • M. M. Zahedi Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran.
  • R. A. Borzooei Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 1983963113, Iran
  • Y. B. Jun Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Korea


Hyper BCK-algebra, hyper BCK-ideals, neutrosophic (strong, weak, s-weak), hyper BCK-ideal, reflexive neutrosophic hyper BCK-ideal.


In this paper we introduced the notions of neutrosophic (strong, weak, s-weak) hyper BCK-idealand reflexive neutrosophic hyper BCK-ideal. Some relevant properties and their relations are indicated.Characterization of neutrosophic (weak) hyper BCK-ideal is considered. Conditions for a neutrosophic setto be a (reflexive) neutrosophic hyper BCK-ideal and a neutrosophic strong hyper BCK-ideal are discussed.Also, conditions for a neutrosophic weak hyper BCK-ideal to be a neutrosophic s-weak hyper BCK-ideal,and conditions for a neutrosophic strong hyper BCK-ideal to be a reflexive neutrosophic hyper BCK-idealare provided.


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How to Cite

S. Khademan, M. M. Zahedi, R. A. Borzooei, & Y. B. Jun. (2019). Neutrosophic Hyper BCK-Ideals. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 27, 201-217.

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