Science Library

E-Books of Mathematics, E-Books of Philosophy, E-Books of Physics,

E-Books of Finance, Economics, Business, Social Sciences, E-Books of Linguistics, E-Journals of Science

 English   Español   Français  

Românã   Pусский  Türkçe  中文   العربية

E-Books of Mathematics

bullet   Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Three Decades of Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Theories and Applications (MeCoNeT 2024), University of Messina, Sicily, Italy, 24-25 September 2024,  
bullet   Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in SuperHyperStructures and Applied Neutrosophic Theories, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador, 28-29 November 2024. new
bullet   Proceedings of the International Conference called NeutroGeometry, NeutroAlgebra, and Their Applications, Havana, Cuba, 12-14 August 2024. new
bullet   Proceedings of the International Conference called Neutrosophy and Plithogeny: Fundamentals and Applications, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Peru, 8-9 July 2024. new
bullet   Automorphism Groups of Maps, Surfaces and Smarandache Geometries (first edition - postdoctoral report to Chinese Academy of Mathematics and System Sciencesecond edition - graduate textbook in mathematics)
bullet   让我们插上翅膀飞翔 -- 数学组合与Smarandache重叠空间
bullet   Combinatorial Theory on the Universe (Chinese edition: 万物组合论; English edition )
bullet   Smarandache Multi-Space Theory (first edition - partially post-doctoral research for the Chinese Academy of Sciences; second edition - Graduate Textbook of Math)
bullet   Scientific Elements - Applications to Mathematics, Physics, and Other Sciences (international book series): Vol. 1
bullet   Mathematical Reality
bullet   Smarandache Manifolds
bullet   Combinatorial Geometry with Applications to Field Theory (second edition), graduate textbook in mathematics
bullet   Smarandache Geometries & Map Theories with Applications (I)
bullet   Introductory Map Theory
bullet   Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond (Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol III, Vol. IV, Vol. V, Vol. VI) new
bullet   Data-Driven Modelling with Fuzzy Sets A Neutrosophic Perspective (CRC Press, 2024) new
bullet   Cognitive Intelligence with Neutrosophic Statistics in Bioinformatics (Elsevier, 2023) new

Neutrosophic Operational Research (SPRINGER), 2021 new

bullet   Optimization Theory Based on Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Sets (ELSEVIER), 2020) new
bullet   New Development of Neutrosophic Probability, Neutrosophic Statistics, Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures, and Neutrosophic Plithogenic Optimizations (MDPI Publisher, Switzerland) (soft copy, hardG copy), 2022 new
bullet   Neutrosophic Set in Medical Image Analysis (ELSEVIER), 2019
bullet   NeutroGeometry, NeutroAlgebra, and SuperHyperAlgebra in Today's World, IGI-Global, United States, 2023 new
bullet   Neutrosophic SuperhyperAlgebra and New Types of Topologies new

Revolutionary Topologies and Their Applications, IGI Global USA, 2024, new

bullet   Theory and Applications of NeutroAlgebras as Generalizations of Classical Algebras, IGI Global USA, new
bullet   Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Inventory Models for Applied Mathematics IGI Global USA, new
bullet   Handbook of Research on the Applications of Neutrosophic Sets Theory and Their Extensions in Education, IGI Global USA
bullet   NeutroAlgebra Theory, Vol. I
bullet   Advances of Standard and Nonstandard Neutrosophic Theories new
bullet   Neutrosophic Theories in Communication, Management and Information Technology (NOVA Publishers) new
bullet   Encyclopedia of Neutrosophic Researchers (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5, Vol. 6 new)
bullet   Plithogenic Graphs new
bullet   Plithogeny, Plithogenic Set/logic/Probability/Statistics (extension of Neutrosophic Set/Logic/Probability/Statistics)
bullet   Neutrosophic Operations Research
bullet   Neutrosophic Theory and its Applications, Vol. 1
bullet   Neutrosophic Overset, Neutrosophic Underset, and Neutrosophic Offset. Similarly for Neutrosophic Over-/Under-/Off- Logic, Probability, and Statistics new
bullet   فوق وتحت وخلف  المجموعة  النتروسوفيكي
bullet   Introduction to Neutrosophic Measure, Neutrosophic Integral, and Neutrosophic Probability
bullet   مقدمة الى القياس النيتروسوفيك والتكامل النيتروسوفيك والاحتمال النيتروسوفيك الجديد
bullet   Introduction to Neutrosophic Statistics new
bullet   مقدمة في الإحصاء النيتروسوفيكي حديثا
bullet   Neutrosophic Precalculus and Neutrosophic Calculus new
bullet   مبادئ التفاضل والتكامل النيوتروسوفكي و حساب التفاضل والتكامل النيوتروسوفكي حديثا
bullet   Symbolic Neutrosophic Theory new
bullet   Neutrosophic Duality new
bullet   Neutrosophic Graphs: A New Dimension to Graph Theory
bullet   Neutrosophic Perspectives: Triplets, Duplets, Multisets, Hybrid Operators, Modal Logic, Hedge Algebras (2nd ed.) new
bullet   Neutrosophic Operational Research (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3)
bullet   Neutrosophic Triplet Structures new
bullet   New Trends in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3)
bullet   علم النيتروسوفيك وتطبيقاته [Neutrosophic Science and its Applications]  الجديد new
bullet   Neutrosophic Triplet Groups and their Applications to Mathematical Modeling
bullet   Complex Valued Graphs for Soft Computing
bullet   Theory and Application of HyperSoft Set  new
bullet   Special Subset Vertex Subgraphs for Networks

Special Subset Vertex Multisubgraphs for Multi Networks

bullet   Strong Neutrosophic Graphs and Subgraph Topological Spaces
bullet   Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs
bullet   Algebraic Structures in the Universe of Neutrosophic: Analysis with Innovative Algorithmic Approaches new
bullet   Algebraic Structures on Fuzzy Unit Square and Neutrosophic Unit Square
bullet   Algebraic Structures on Real and Neutrosophic Semi Open Squares
bullet   Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic: Theory and Applications in Computing
bullet   A Unifying Field in Logics: Neutrosophic Logic.  Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics (last edition)
bullet   Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics
bullet   Introduction to Neutrosophic Logic
bullet   Introdução à Lógica Neutrosófica (Portuguese) novo

Notrosofik Bagintilar ile Bazi Cikarim Yontemlerinin Elde Edilmesi (Turkish) yeni

bullet   Nötrosofik Kümeler ve Nötrosofik Üclü Normlu Uzaylar (Turkish) yeni
bullet   Bazi Neutrosophic Kumeler Uzerindeki Karar Verme Metodari ve Uygulamalari yeni                
bullet   Sezgisel Bulanik Kumeler ve Neutrosophic Kumeler Uzerine Bazi Cok Kriterli Karar Verme Metotlari yeni
bullet   The Effect of Neutrosophic Logic new
bullet   Mathematical Analysis of the Problems Faced by the People with Disabilities (PWDs) / With Specific Reference to Tamil Nadu (India)
bullet   Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps  
bullet   Elementary Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
bullet   Special Fuzzy Matrices for Social Scientists
bullet   Super Fuzzy Matrices and Super Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
bullet   Vedic Mathematics - 'Vedic' or 'Mathematics': A Fuzzy & Neutrosophic Analysis
bullet   Analysis of Social Aspects of Migrant Labourers Living with HIV/AIDS Using Fuzzy Theory and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps
bullet   Fuzzy Analysis of School Dropouts and Their Life After
bullet   Neutrosophic Theories in Communication, Management and Information Technology new
bullet   Neutrosophic Sets in Decision Analysis and Operations Research new
bullet   Neutrosophic Graph Theory and Algorithms new
bullet   Quadruple Neutrosophic Theory and Applications (Vol. 1) new
bullet   Neutrosophic Sets in Decision Analysis and Operations Research, IGI-Global (Pennsylvania, USA)
bullet   Multi-Criteria Decision Making Models and Techniques: Neutrosophic Approaches, IGI-Global (Pennsylvania, USA) new
bullet   Introduction to N-Adaptive Fuzzy Models to Analyze Public Opinion on AIDS
bullet   Smarandache Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures
bullet   N-Algebraic Structures
bullet   Some Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and Neutrosophic N-Algebraic Structures
bullet   New Classes of Neutrosophic Linear Algebras
bullet   Neutrosophic Crisp Set Theory
bullet   Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyar's Views on Untouchability
bullet   Fuzzy Relational Maps and Neutrosophic Relational Maps
bullet   Basic Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and Their Application to Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models
bullet   Fuzzy Neutrosophic Models for Social Scientists
bullet   Set Theoretic Approach to Algebraic Structures in Mathematics - A Revelation
bullet   Neutrosophic Super Matrices and Quasi Super Matrices
bullet   Finite Neutrosophic Complex Numbers
bullet   Soft Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and Their Generalization (Vol. 1, Vol. 2)
bullet   New Research on Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures
bullet   Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and their Applications new
bullet   Pseudo Lattice Graphs and their Applications to Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models
bullet   New Techniques to Analyse the Prediction of Fuzzy Models
bullet   Non Associative Algebraic Structures Using Finite Complex Numbers
bullet   Algebraic Structures on Finite Complex Modulo Integer Interval C([0, n))
bullet   Dual Numbers
bullet   Special Dual Like Numbers and Lattices
bullet   Supermodular Lattices
bullet   Special Quasi Dual Numbers and Groupoids
bullet   Non Associative Linear Algebras
bullet   Groupoids of Type I and II on [0, n)
bullet   Special Pseudo Linear Algebras Using [0, n)
bullet   Algebraic Structues Using [0,n)
bullet   Algebraic Structures on Fuzzy Interval [0, 1)
bullet   Fuzzy Interval Matrices and Neutrosophic Interval Matrices and their Applications
bullet   Smarandache BE-Algebras
bullet   Algebraic Structures Using Super Interval Matrices
bullet   Algebraic Structures Using Subsets
bullet   Subset Groupoids
bullet   Subset Interval Groupoids
bullet   Subset Polynomial Semirings and Subset Matrix Semirings
bullet   Subset Non Associative Semirings
bullet   Subset Semirings
bullet   Subset Semilinear Algebras
bullet   Subset Non Associative Topological Spaces
bullet   Special Type of Subset Topological Spaces
bullet   Special Type of Topological Spaces Using [0, n)
bullet   Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with HIV/AIDS
bullet   Neutrosophic Rings
bullet   Infinite Quaternion Pseudo Rings Using [0, n)
bullet   Neutrosophic Bilinear Algebras and Their Generalizations
bullet   Neutrosophic Interval Bialgebraic Structures
bullet   Natural Product Xn on Matrices
bullet   Innovative Uses of Matrices
bullet   Exploring the Extension of Natural Operations on Intervals, Matrices and Complex Numbers
bullet   Algebraic Structures Using Natural Class of Intervals
bullet   Study of Natural Class of Intervals Using (-∞, ∞) and (∞, -∞)
bullet   Interval Algebraic Bistructures
bullet   Natural Neutrosophic Numbers and MOD Neutrosophic Numbers
bullet   Non-Associative Algebraic Structures on MOD Planes
bullet   MOD Planes: A New Dimension to Modulo Theory
bullet   Multidimensional MOD Planes
bullet   MOD Functions: A New Approach to Function Theory
bullet   Algebraic Structures on MOD Planes
bullet   Mod Pseudo Linear Algebras
bullet   Problems on MOD Structures
bullet   Semigroups on MOD Natural Neutrosophic Elements
bullet   Special Type of Fixed Points of MOD Matrix Operators
bullet   Special Type of Fixed Point Pairs using MOD Rectangular Matrix Operators
bullet   MOD Cognitive Maps Models and MOD Natural Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps Models
bullet   MOD Relational Maps Models and MOD Natural Neutrosophic Relational Maps Models
bullet   MOD Graphs
bullet   MOD Natural Neutrosophic Subset Semigroups
bullet   MOD Natural Neutrosophic Subset Topological Spaces and Kakutani’s Theorem
bullet   Studies in Sampling Techniques and Time Series Analysis
bullet   Sampling Strategies for Finite Population Using Auxiliary Information
bullet   Randomness and Optimal Estimation in Data Sampling
bullet   The Efficient Use of Supplementary Information in Finite Population Sampling
bullet   On Improvement in Estimating Population Parameter(s) Using Auxiliary Information
bullet   Neutrosophic Transport and Assignment Issues new
bullet   Neutrosophic Optimization and its Application on Structural Designs new
bullet   النماذج الخطية النيتروسوفيكية وبعض الخوارزميات لإيجاد الحل الأمثل لها(Arabic)
{Neutrosophic linear models and algorithms to find their optimal solution (English)}
bullet   Artificial Intelligence and Responsive Optimization
bullet   Auxiliary Information and a priori Values in Construction of Improved Estimators
bullet   Studies in Statistical Inference, Sample Techniques and Demography
bullet   Computational Modeling in Applied Problems: collected papers on econometrics, operations research, game theory and simulation

Uses of Sampling Techniques & Inventory Control with Capacity Constraints

bullet   Collected Papers (Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III, Vol. IV {Multispace & Multistructure. Neutrosophic Transdisciplinarity}, Vol. V, Vol. VI, Vol. VII, Vol. VIII, Vol. IX, Vol. X; Vol. XI; Vol. XII; Vol. XIII; Vol. XIV new)
bullet   Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion (Collected Works) [Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III,  Vol. IV, Vol. V new]
bullet   DSmT理论及其在信息融合中的应用 (国防工业出版社),Translated to Chinese by 黄心汉(Xinhan Huang),李新德(Xinde Li), 2011
bullet   Unification of Fusion Theories, Rules, Filters, Image Fusion and Target Tracking Methods (UFT) new
bullet   DSm Vector Spaces of Refined Labels
bullet   DSm Super Vector Space of Refined Labels
bullet   α-Discounting Method for Multi-Criteria Decision Making (α-D MCDM)

Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision Making

bullet   READUP BUILDUP. Thync instant α-readings
bullet   Linguistic MultiDimensional Spaces new
bullet   Special Subset Linguistic Topological Topological Spaces new
bullet   Linguistic Graphs new
bullet   Linguistic Matrices new
bullet   Linguistic Functions new
bullet   Linguistic Geometry and its Applications new
bullet   Linguistic Semilinear Algebras and Linguistic Semivector Spaces new
bullet   Fuzzy Linguistic Topological Spaces
bullet   Set Ideal Topological Spaces
bullet   Quasi Set Topological Vector Subspaces
bullet Only Problems, not Solutions!
bullet 150+1-Probleme şi Soluţii / 150+1-Problems and Solutions
bullet Smarandache Sequences, Stereograms and Series
bullet Program of the First International Conference on Smarandache Type Notions in Number Theory, University of Craiova (1997)
bullet An Introduction to the Smarandache Function
bullet Plucking from the Tree of Smarandache Functions and Sequences
bullet A Set of New Smarandache Functions, Sequences, and Conjectures
bullet Geometric Theorems, Diophantine Equations, and Arithmetic Functions
bullet Various Arithmetic Functions and their Applications
bullet Solving Diophantine Equations
bullet Collection of Problems on Smarandache Notions
bullet Surfing on the Ocean of Numbers
bullet Computer Analysis of Number Sequences
bullet Wandering in the world of smarandache numbers
bullet Fermat Pseudoprimes
bullet Smarandache Numbers Revisited
bullet Generalized Partitions and New Ideas on Number Theory and Smarandache Sequences
bullet On Some of the Smarandache's Problems (Vol. I, Vol. II)
bullet Definitions, Solved and Unsolved Problems, Conjectures, and Theorems in Number Theory and Geometry
bullet The Geometry of the Orthological Triangles new
bullet Geometria Triunghiurilor Ortologice nou
bullet The Geometry of Homological Triangles
bullet Variance on Topics of Plane Geometry
bullet Complements to Classic Topics of Circles Geometry
bullet Extenics in Higher Dimensions
bullet Sequences of Numbers Involved in Unsolved Problems
bullet Sequences of Integers, Conjectures and New Arithmetical Tools
bullet Comments and Topics on Smarandache Notions and Problems
bullet The Smarandache Function
bullet Mainly Natural Numbers
bullet Research on Smarandache Problems in Number Theory (collected papers) [Vol. I; Vol. II]
bullet Proceedings of the International Conferences on Number Theory and Smarandache Notions held in CHINA (Fifth Conference at Shangluo University in 2009; Sixth Conference at Tianshui Normal University in 2010)
bullet Applications of Smarandache Function, Prime and Coprime Functions [English] [Espanol]
bullet 逻辑学的统一:中智逻辑  中智学,中智集合论,中智概率论 (Chinese) [1, 2]

中国工程建设项目 施工招标技巧与案例分析 Smarandache重空间招标模型 毛林繁著 (Chinese)


关于Smarandache 理论及其有关问题 (Chinese) {Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5, Vol. 6, Vol. 7, Vol. 8}

bullet 工程建设项目招标采购理论与实践 - 毛林繁著(Chinese)
bullet 让我们插上翅膀飞翔--数学组合与Smarandache重空间 (毛林繁)
bullet Bidding Principle in Cases Analysis [Chinese]
bullet Généralisations et Généralités [French]
bullet Problèmes avec et sans... Problèmes! [French]
bullet Problems with and without... Problems! (Translated from French)
bullet Proposed Problems of Mathematics, Vol. II
bullet Probleme Compilate şi Rezolvate de Geometrie şi Trigonometrie [Romanian]
bullet Compiled and Solved Problems in Geometry and Trigonometry
bullet My High School Math Notebooks (Vol. 1, Vol. 2)
bullet Subiecte posibile pentru examenele elevilor
bullet Possible Subjects for Students' Exams
bullet Metode de Calcul in Analiza Matematica [Romanian]
bullet Enciclopedia Matematică a Claselor de Numere Întregi
bullet The Math Encyclopedia of Smarandache type Notions [Vol. I. Number Theory]
bullet Two Hundred Conjectures and One Hundred Fifty Open Problems on Fermat Pseudoprimes
bullet Conjectures on Primes and Fermat Pseudoprimes, Many Based on Smarandache Function
bullet Two Hundred and Thirteen Conjectures on Primes
bullet Formulas and Polynomials which Generate Primes and Fermat Pseudoprimes
bullet Sequences of Primes Obtained by the Method of Concatenation
bullet Algebra în exerciţii şi probleme pentru liceu. Mulţimi. Operaţii cu mulţimi. Relaţii şi funcţii. Elemente de combinatorică. [Romanian]
bullet Algebraic Problems and Exercises for High School (Sets, Sets Operations, Relations, Functions,  Aspects of Combinatorics)
Алгебра в упражнениях и задачах для лицеев. Множества. Операции над 
множествами. Отношения и функции. Элементы комбинаторики; Гоян И., 
Григор Р., Марин В., Смарандаке Ф. [Russian]
bullet Smarandache Algebraic Structures, book series:   (Vol. I: GroupoidsVol. II: SemigroupsVol. III: Semirings, Semifields, and Semivector SpacesVol. IV: Loops; Vol. V: Rings; Vol. VI: Near-rings; Vol. VII: Non-associative Rings; Vol. VIII: Bialgebraic Structures; Vol. IX: Fuzzy Algebra; Vol. X: Linear Algebra; Vol. XI: Special Definite Algebraic Structures)
bullet A Study of New Concepts in Smarandache Quasigroups and Loops
bullet Introduction to Bimatrices
bullet Applications of Bimatrices to some Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models
bullet Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Sets in Semigroups
bullet Smarandache Special Elements
bullet Superbimatrices and Their Generalizations
bullet Introduction to Linear Bialgebra
bullet New Classes of Codes for Cryptologists and Computer Scientists
bullet Special Classes of Set Codes and Their Applications
bullet Super Special Codes Using Super Matrices
bullet Erasure Techniques in MRD Codes
bullet Rank Distance Bicodes and Their Generalization
bullet Distance in Matrices and Their Applications to Fuzzy Models and Neutrosophic Models
bullet Methods in Industrial Biotechnology for Chemical Engineers
bullet Methods in Environmental Biotechnology for Environmentalists
bullet Semigroups as Graphs
bullet Groups as Graphs
bullet Interval Groupoids
bullet Fuzzy Abel Grassmann Groupoids (second updated and enlarged version)
bullet Theory of Abel Grassmann's Groupoid.
bullet Neutrosophic Set Approach to Algebraic Structures
bullet Set Linear Algebra and Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
bullet Special Set Linear Algebra and Special Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
bullet Interval Linear Algebra
bullet Interval Semigroups
bullet Interval Semirings
bullet Super Linear Algebra
bullet n-Linear Algebra of Type I and Its Applications
bullet n-Linear Algebra of Type II
bullet Subset Vertex Graphs for Social Networks
bullet Neutrosophic Graph Theory and Algorithms, IGI-Global (Pennsylvania, USA),
bullet Mod Rectangular Natural Neutrosophic Numbers
bullet Euclid Squares on Infinite Planes
bullet Quadruple Neutrosophic Theory and Applications (Vol. 1) new
bullet Neutrosophic Precalculus and Neutrosophic Calculus (2nd edition)
bullet Fundamentals of Matrices, Differential Equations, and geometry in Neutrosophic Field أساسيات المصفوفات والمعادلات التفاضلية والهندسة فى المجال النيوتروسوفيكي

Neutrosophic Logic: The Revolutionary Logic in Science and Philosophy


Proceedings of the National Symposium المنطق النيوتروسوفكي : منطق ثوري في العلوم والفلسفة وقائع الندوة الوطنية تأل فٌ,


Mosul University, College of Computer Science and Mathematics, Iraq, March 15th, 2018



bullet Easier to Break a Neutrosophic Complex Dynamic System from Inside than from Outside new
bullet Proceedings of the First International Conference on Smarandache Multispace & Multistructure
bullet A Tapestry of Thought: Smarandache's Contributions to Knowledge and Artistic Expression
bullet Nidus Idearum de Neutrosophia (blog) [Vol 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5, Vol. 6, Vol. 7, Vol. 8, Vol. 9, Vol. 10, Vol. 11, Vol. 12, Vol. 13, Vol. 14]


E-Books of Philosophy

bullet Law of Included Multiple-Middle & Principle of Dynamic Neutrosophic Opposition
bullet A Unifying Field in Logics: Neutrosophic Logic.  Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics (last edition)
bullet Сущность нейтрософии; Смарадаке Ф.(перевод Д. Рабунского)[Russian]
bullet Multirelativitate (interviuri)

逻辑学的统一:中智逻辑  中智学,中智集合论,中智概率论 (Chinese) [1, 2]


中道辩证法与唯道主义自然哲学[Chinese Neutrosophy and Taoist Natural Philosophy](Chinese)


Neutrosophic Interpretation of Tao Te Ching (道德经的中智学解读和扩充 —正反及中智道德经) [English-Chinese]


Neutrosophic Interpretation of The Analects of Confucius 弗羅仁汀·司馬仁達齊,傅昱華 論語的中智學解讀和擴充 —正反及中智論語 English-Chinese Bilingual(英汉双语 )


Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics


Neutrosophic Dialogues


Quaestiones Neutrosophicae


Neutrality and Many-Valued Logics


Neutrosophy in Arabic Philosophy

bullet الفلسفة العربية من منظور نيوتروسوفي ( صــــــــلاح   عثمـــــانصــــــــلاح   عثمـــــان ,  فلورنتن سمارانداكهفلورنتن سمارانداكه ) [Arabic]
bullet Neutrosofia ca reflectarea a realităţii neconvenţionale [Romanian]

E-Books of Pedagogy [Espaňol]

bullet Obligaciones Tributarias del Contribuyente. Analisis Neutrosofico de las Causas de su Incumplimiento nuevo
bullet La gestion en las IES como Factor Decisivo en la Excelencia Universitaria. Aportes de la Neutrosofia nuevo
bullet Motivación y desarrollo de habilidades en investigación formativa: un análisis desde la estadística neutrosófica nuevo
bullet La investigación científica en el contexto académico nuevo
bullet La investigación jurídica en la formación de los profesionales del derecho. Validación neutrosófica nuevo
bullet Modelo ecológico de bronferbrenner aplicado a la pedagogía, modelación matemática para la toma de decisiones bajo incertidumbre: de la lógica difusa a la lógica plitogénica nuevo
bullet Modelo de Gestion Educativa Institutional. Insutec-Ecuador. Una Vision desde la Neutrosofia y la Complejidad a la Gestion Educativa
bullet Estadistica y Probabilidades: Una Vision Neutrosofica desde el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas en la Construccion del Conocimiento
bullet La Pedagogía como Instrumento de Gestión Social: Nuevos Caminos para la Aplicación de la Neutrosofía a la Pedagogía
bullet Enfoque Didactico de la Teoria de Conjuntos y Probabilidades
bullet Neutrosofía: Nuevos avances en el tratamiento de la incertidumbre

Estudio Estadistico-Neutrosofico de los Efectos Causados por Sismos

bullet Metodos Multicriterios para Determinacion de la Efectividad de la Gestion Publica y el Analysis de la Transparencia

E-Books of Scientific Art

bullet Science is Infinite (PPS or PDF)
bullet Techno-Art of Selariu SuperMathematics Functions [Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III]
bullet Parallel Universes (Experimental digital art)
bullet =quantum cyberart= (the world of micro-infinity)
bullet Haewen Haeven (dynamic cyber) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet +neogeometrism+ (computer art)

E-Books of Sociology

bullet Introduction to Neutrosophic Sociology (Neutrosociology) new
bullet  مقدمة في علم الاجتماع النيوتروسفيكيArabic]
bullet Evoluție Neutrosofică Umană în Spirală sau Divinul este în Om / Human Neutrosophic Evolution in Spiral or The Divine is in the Man, Ediție bilingvă română – engleză, Romanian – English bilingual edition new

E-Book of Psychology

bullet   Psicologia Educativa nuevo
bullet   Neutropsychic Personality (A mathematical approach to psychology) (3nd edition) new

E-Books of Information Science


Neutrosophic Emergences and Incidences in Communication and Information


Communication Neutrosophic Routes


Current Communication Difficulties


Topical Communication Uncertainties


Neutrosophy, Paradoxism and Communication


Uncertainty Communication Solution in Neutrosophic Key


Creativity, Imaginary, Language

E-Books of Physics

bullet   Lost and Found in Mathematics
bullet   From Logic To Realism
bullet   Acts Chapter 29 / Art, Science, Theology
bullet   Neutrosophic Physics: More Problems, More Solutions
bullet   Universe in a glass of iced-water
bullet   Hadron models and related New Energy issues (collective book) [476 p., 5.8 MB]
bullet   Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry (collective book) [516 p., 6.2 MB]
bullet   Quantization and Discretization at Large Scales
bullet   A Journey into Quantization in Astrophysics (A Collection of Scientific Papers)
bullet   Unfolding the Labyrinth: Open Problems in Physics, Mathematics, Astrophysics, and Other Areas of Science
bullet   Proceedings of the Introduction to Neutrosophic Physics: Unmatter & Unparticle International Conference
bullet   Unmatter Plasma, Relativistic Oblique-Length Contraction Factor, Neutrosophic Diagram and Neutrosophic Degree of Paradoxicity new
bullet   Nemateria, Ipoteza Smarandache şi Fuziunea Informaţiei [Romanian]
bullet   Neutrosophic Methods in General Relativity
bullet   Vacuum, Space-Time, Matter and the Models of Smarandache Geometry (真空、时空、物质和Smarandache几何模型)
Нейтрософские методы в Общей Теории Относительности; Рабунский Д., 
Смарандаке Ф., Борисова Л.[Russian]
bullet   Today's Take on Einstein's Relativity, Proceedings of Pima Community College Conference
bullet   Unsolved Problems in Special and General Relativity
bullet   Absolute Theory of Relativity & Parameterized Special Theory of Relativity & Noninertial Multirelativity
bullet   New Relativistic Paradoxes and Open Questions
bullet   Proceedings of the First International Conference on Superluminal Physics and Instantaneous Physics as New Fields of Research
bullet   G-Dimensional Theory
bullet   Begin the Adventure / How to Break the Light Barrier by A.D. 2070 (third edition)
bullet   Multi-Valued Logic, Neutrosophy, and Schrödinger Equation
bullet   Let the Wind Blow: Physics of Wave and only Wave
bullet   From Hilbert to Dilbert new
bullet   Neutrosophic Logic, Wave Mechanics, and Other Stories (Selected Works 2005-2008)

E-Book of Biology


Paradoxism Vegetal / Vegetal Paradoxism nou / new

bullet   Neutrosophic Evolution as extension of Darwin Evolution: The Cave Case {pdf, pptx, video} new

E-Books of Finance, Economics, Business, Social Sciences

bullet Los Modelos Neutrosoficos en la Toma de Decisiones nuevo
bullet Economia Conductuales & la Neutrosofia nuevo
bullet Administracion de Empresas / Elementos Basicos nuevo
bullet Cultural Advantage for Cities: An Alternative for Developing Countries
bullet Cultural Advantages in China. Tale of Six Cities
bullet Utility, Rationality and Beyond - From Finance to Informational Finance (Ph. D. Dissertation, Bond University)
bullet Clan Capitalism, Graph Distance and other issues
bullet Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Indian Central Government Institutions Like IITs, IIMs and AIIMS – A Study of the Role of Media Fuzzy Super FRM Models
bullet Easier to Break from Inside A Neutrosophic Dynamic System than from Outside

E-Books of Linguistics

bullet If anything can go wrong, pass it on to someone else (Florentin's Laws)
bullet The dictator lifts the state of emergency with a crane (Florentin's Clichés)
bullet Send me an e-male (Florentin's Homonyms)
bullet Hätte gern I-Mehl = Florentins Homonyme = [German]
bullet Experimental paradoxist Linguistics (Florentin's Lexicon)


E-Journals of Science

bullet   Neutrosophic Sets and Systems (NSS), University of New Mexico, USA: and
bullet   Neutrosophic Systems with Applications (NSWA):

Neutrosophic Optimization and Intelligent Systems (NOIS):


Plithogenic Logic and Computation (PLC):


HyperSoft Set Methods in Engineering (HSSE):

bullet   Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning (NCML), Latin America (en espanol): and

International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, USA,


Journal of Fuzzy Extensions and Applications (Scopus):

bullet   International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics (IJMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R.China: and
bullet   Smarandache Notions Journal:
bullet   Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, Bulgaria (Vol. 9, No. 2, 2003)

Scientia Magna, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China:


Critical Review (USA): 2015 (Vol. 9; Vol. 10; Vol. 11; Vol. 12; Vol. 13);


Mathematics (MDPI, Switzerland), Special Issue: New Challenges in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications, 2020


Axioms (Switzerland), Vol. 6, 2017 and Vol. 7, 2018; Special Issue on Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision Making.


Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics (South Korea), Volume 14, No. 1, (July 2017), 120 p. Special Issue on Neutrosophic Sets and their Applications.

bullet   Symmetry (Switzerland), Vol. 9, Issue 10, 2017, 208 p. Special Issue on Neutrosophic Theories Applied in Engineering.
bullet   Symmetry (Switzerland), Vol. 10, 2018, 480+452 pages. Special Issue on Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets, MDPI Publishers (Basel, Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade) (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2).

Symmetry (Switzerland), November 2019, Special Issue on New types of Neutrosophic Set/Logic/Probability, Neutrosophic Over-/ Under-/ Off Set, Neutrosophic Refined Set, and their Extension to Plithogenic Set/Logic/Probability, with Applications

bullet   Information (Switzerland), Vols. 8-9, 2017-2018, 210 p. Special Issue on Neutrosophic Information Theory and Applications.

Investigacion Operacional (Cuba), Vol. 41, No. 5, 191 p., 2020. Special Issue on Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Neutrosophic Tools.

bullet   Journal of Fuzzy Extensions and Applications:

Uncertainty Discourse and Applications (UDA):


Soft Computing Fusion with Applications (SCFA):

bullet   Neutrosophic Knowledge, Port Said University, Egypt: and (Arabic and English)

Progress in Physics:


MATHEMATICS Algebra Geometries Multispace
  Neutrosophic Environment Number Theory Statistics
  Plithogenic Set / Logic /      Probability / Statistics    
PHILOSOPHY Neutrosophy, a new branch of philosophy Law of Included Multiple-Middle & Principle of Dynamic Neutrosophic Opposition  
PHYSICS Absolute Theory of Relativity Quantum Paradoxes Unmatter
  Neutrosophic Physics Superluminal and Instantaneous Physics  
BIOLOGY Neutrosophic Theory of Evolution Syndrome  
ECONOMICS Poly-Emporium Theory    
LINGUISTICS Linguistic Paradoxes Linguistic Tautologies  
PSYCHOLOGY Neutropsychic Personality Illusion Law on Sensations and Stimuli
  Synonymity Test Complex  
SOCIOLOGY Neutrosociology Sociological Theory Social Paradox
  Literatura Romana Bancuri Travel Memories
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